Wednesday, April 29, 2009

erlrc erlang factory talk

I'll be giving a talk about erlrc at the Erlang Factory. erlrc is our scheme for integrating the Erlang VM with the OS package manager (we use deb, but it should be possible to integrate with rpm and others as well).

The google code project contains the powerpoint slides as well as other useful documentation.

In the talk I indicate that erlrc is componentized for embedding in other build systems and launch processes, and I also mention that we built our own automake-based build system (which is used for all the languages we develop in, not just Erlang). That system is called framewerk and is also available from google code.

I also claim that once your entire software state is represented in OS packages, simple and effective strategies for deployment and provisioning emerge. Two simple tools that we've developed along these lines are ec2-do and apt-snapshot.

ec2-do is an escript that provides rolling window execution of an arbitrary command across a set of ec2 machines (typically, an ec2 group). When we want to launch we do something like this to sync all the machines with the package archive,
ec2-do -g production -m 1000 -b -d apt-get update
and then something like this to install the package
ec2-do -g production -m 3 -b -d apt-get install <newpackage>
ec2-do is available from the erlrc downloads page.

apt-snapshot is even simpler than ec2-do (just a shell script), but very useful for provisioning when using deb packages. It can associate the current package state of a server with a symbolic tag which can later be restored (possibly from another host). To create a tag we do something like
apt-snapshot create <tag>
and to restore it later we do
apt-snapshot restore <host>:<tag>
We use this in three distinct ways. First, we have a cron job creating regular snapshots on every machine with timestamp tag names in case of snafu (to allow us to rollback). Second, when we launch something particularly risky we create a symbolic tag manually for rollback. Third, when we start up new machines, we get them in the correct state quickly by tagging one of the currently running machines and then telling the new machines to restore that tag from that host (our EC2 images are sensitive to the extra arguments passed to ec2-run-instance, but you can also just use ec2-do for this purpose, since restoring a tag is idempotent).

apt-snapshot is available from the erlrc downloads page.

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